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Fri, May 8, 2020 08:22:01 AM

💩 the answers 💫
posted: Fri, May 8, 2020 08:22:01 AM


i need and how to get them, was never my concern in active addiction. even in early recovery, especially in that eighteen month gap between when i got clean and when i finally accepted that my addiction was something i needed the wisdom of others to live with, i was certain i already knew everything i needed to know. to even suggest that after several thousand days clean that i **know** everything i NEED to know about addiction and the recovery process, is at best disingenuous and at worst flat-out denial, of who and what i am. this morning, as i prepare to go out on my first hike of the season, following the best social distancing recommendations, i come back to the notion that knowing that i do not have the all the answers i seek, is the best course of action for this addict.
the whole concept of remaining teachable is often one i pay lip service to, rather than actually living by it. the trap of living a program for as long as i have been doing so, is that i have been exposed to all sorts of knowledge, wisdom and shared experience, allowing me to lull myself into a smug attitude of “SUPREME” recovery. the true fact of the matter is, i no longer know what it is like to struggle with getting clean, as it has been so long, since i had to do so. i no longer know what it feels like to have the obsession to use, consume my life. sure, i can say i remember, but my memory tends to gloss over the facts of my struggle to arrive in the fellowship that is my life today. the fact that i find myself attending five or six meetings a week and many times being the addict with the most clean time in the room, speaks to the notion that maybe, just maybe, i have stuff i still need to learn from all of my peers in recovery. i need to be reminded of the traps i set for myself, based on knowledge that i think i have already obtained. for that to happen, i need to accept that i am not a source of infinite wisdom or knowledge. for this addict, that is a tough admission, especially given how long i have been living a program of recovery.
ah, now for some good news. i do “know” how to stay clean: just do not use no matter what. my peers have been telling me that since the day i walked into my first meeting, even though i had no desire to stay clean, way back when. i also “know” that if i want to stay clean, i have to accept that i am an addict, just for today. i am not a “grateful, recovering addict” nor will i ever move into that category, as for me, as soon as i start qualifying what sort of addict i may or may not be, i start to differentiate myself from my peers. yes i am recovering today. yes, i am grateful most days. i am, however, just another addict, who needs the Experience, Strength and HOPE of his peers, to fulfill the base requirement for on-going recovery, NO MATTER WHAT! so it is off to Mount Sanitas for a quick trek, to get a different view of the landscape i live in. after that, who knows what this “wellness” day away from work will bring me,. it is a good day to be in recovery and have the desire to stay clean, just for today.

∞ DT ∞


djtConsulting Brand
The views expressed on this page are solely the opinion of the author.
While the author is a member of a 12 Step recovery fellowship, these writings are not intended to endorse or express the published wisdom of any fellowship.
These writings are not meant to be socially or politically correct, and if you take issue with any opinions expressed, please seek the guidance of someone wiser than me.

Another Look!

↔ a wonderful learning enviornment for me ↔ 283 words ➥ Monday, May 8, 2006 by: donnot
↔ All i have to do is admit that i do not have all the answers, ↔ 325 words ➥ Tuesday, May 8, 2007 by: donnot
μ as a recovering addict and as a human being, i have much to learn. μ 265 words ➥ Thursday, May 8, 2008 by: donnot
μ the fellowship is a wonderful learning environment for the recovering addict μ 216 words ➥ Friday, May 8, 2009 by: donnot
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∫ i have learned that it is okay to not know all the answers, ∫ 657 words ➥ Sunday, May 8, 2011 by: donnot
¤ as long as i remain teachable , 756 words ➥ Tuesday, May 8, 2012 by: donnot
∗ other addicts—and other humans — 728 words ➥ Wednesday, May 8, 2013 by: donnot
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☯ The Tao that can be spoken is not the eternal Tao ☯

by Lao-Tse
Translated by James Legge

Book 1

3) That saying of the ancients that 'the partial becomes complete'
was not vainly spoken:--all real completion is comprehended under