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Fri, Jan 22, 2010 09:02:11 AM

× without the challenges of life, i could forget what i have learned and begin to stagnate ×
posted: Fri, Jan 22, 2010 09:02:11 AM


these challenges are the opportunities that can prod me to new spiritual awakenings. this is one of the less cheesy metaphors the JFT offers, yes it is a bit corny, and i have probably commented on the past about how i feel about that, so for now, i will leave that alone and move on.
the amazing part of this who;e JFT cycle, is that most of the time it parallels what i going on inside of me. or maybe when i read the daily entry, i can find a parallel inside of me that just happens to fit a concept within the reading itself. all in all it does not matter, what does matter is that i use the germ of an idea to further my growth today.
what i heard this morning has a direct parallel to a couple of things in my life. a close friend who i have been corresponding with has asked me to change our relationship to something a bit more formal. i do not know why i am hesitating to say yes, and become his sponsor. i have already been providing guidance on his spiritual journey, i have already been providing support emotionally to him. the only part i have not been providing is formal step work guidance, so the jump should be an easy one to make. what is true, however, is that i have not given the idea up to a HIGHER POWER and waited for the answer to come to me. in fact, i forgot entirely about the request until i sat down at my desk this morning and saw his letter smack dab in the middle of my pile ’o work. now, in ten minutes or so, as i trot around the neighborhood i will need to listen for at least one answer.
there is also a second notion, rumbling around inside my cranium, that of a close friend who is trapped within an obsession. i just want to reach out and shake the shit out of him, until he realizes that his obsession is what is keeping him sick. i have been hunting at this for weeks now, and finally last night i point blank told him what i thought. this morning, it feels like that was the right thing to do, BUT i know how i would feel if someone i trusted and respected told me i was fVcked up, and perhaps i could have softened that blow a bit. we will see what the lesson that comes from that happens to be, as this morning anyhow, i am open to seeing a new way of living and discovering how i fit in, in this crazy hodge-podge of experiences i call my life.
so it is off into this dreary, foggy morning to burn off some calories and allow myself to be empty of the my obsessional thoughts at least for the next hour or so. life is good this morning, and i want to sample all of it, one precious moment at a time.

∞ DT ∞


djtConsulting Brand
The views expressed on this page are solely the opinion of the author.
While the author is a member of a 12 Step recovery fellowship, these writings are not intended to endorse or express the published wisdom of any fellowship.
These writings are not meant to be socially or politically correct, and if you take issue with any opinions expressed, please seek the guidance of someone wiser than me.

Another Look!

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Spacer Image

☯ The Tao that can be spoken is not the eternal Tao ☯

by Lao-Tse
Translated by James Legge

Book 1

1) The (state of) vacancy should be brought to the utmost degree,
and that of stillness guarded with unwearying vigour. All things alike
go through their processes of activity, and (then) we see them return
(to their original state). When things (in the vegetable world) have
displayed their luxuriant growth, we see each of them return to its
root. This returning to their root is what we call the state of stillness;
and that stillness may be called a reporting that they have fulfilled
their appointed end.