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Tue, Feb 5, 2019 08:05:13 AM

😮 i often wonder 😵
posted: Tue, Feb 5, 2019 08:05:13 AM


do i attract newcomers to stay and seek recovery? i am not a **touchie-feely** kind of guy and am certainly not one of those who rush over to **twelve stomp** the newest of the new, when they first walk into the rooms. i know my continue recovery depends on them staying in the rooms, but carrying the message to them does not enhance my self-worth or make me feel **better.** when all is said and done, attracting the newest of the new to stay comes down to simple self-preservation for me. as cynical as that sounds, this morning it certainly fits. coming to terms with how i see more than one of my peers and how they seem to want to be seen, has been my task over the past few days, and i can certainly say this morning, if that is what they are offering i certainly do not want what i have seen.
there is an irony in that last statement, because i have captured them doing what i think is certainly more than okay for me, i want to be seen as a spiritual giant and when i act out, i want to go on, as if nothing happened. it it what it is, i am who i am, a judgemental addict in recovery, who has learned to keep his judgements to himself and to this little forum. although cataloging the “ass-holery” i have seen lately, might be a bit cathartic as then i could beat myself up with that same big stick, i want to be a bit more “positive” today. thinking about what i share and how i act towards the newest of my peers, is certainly a good bit to focus on this morning, rather than on the shortcomings of those who may have accumulated a few days clean.

Alan S.
welcome to the multiple 'decades' club.
Congrats on TWENTY (20) years clean, just for today.

i know, time and again, i have heard it said that clean time really does not matter. i cannot say why my peers say y-that, but i know my motive for saying so: it is to “pretend” that i am some paragon of humility. the fact of the matter is, clean time does matter. when i got clean, i could not believe anyone could stay clean for more than a few days, or maybe a few months, IF they used as i did. although i once saw clean time as some sort of status symbol, today i see it as the result of perseverance and FAITH in the program that has given me a new manner in which to live. when i finally got over my bad self and realized that i was intimidated by clean time of others, BECAUSE i was envious of them, i finally saw myself as a peer and an equal to every addict in the rooms. i could stop trying to rescue the newcomer and the groups that i attend on a regular basis. that enhancement of my membership has made all the difference today. as i put away the garbage i have seen over the past few days, and strive to carry a strong message of HOPE, i can be certain that maybe the one addict who NEEDS to hear what i have to say, will hear it, just for today. oh yeah, those self-centered peers that i have allowed to drive me to distraction? well they too, will be going into the bit bucket with my judgements, at least until the next time they act out. 🙈 🙉 🙊

∞ DT ∞


djtConsulting Brand
The views expressed on this page are solely the opinion of the author.
While the author is a member of a 12 Step recovery fellowship, these writings are not intended to endorse or express the published wisdom of any fellowship.
These writings are not meant to be socially or politically correct, and if you take issue with any opinions expressed, please seek the guidance of someone wiser than me.

Another Look!

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☯ The Tao that can be spoken is not the eternal Tao ☯

by Lao-Tse
Translated by James Legge

Book 2

3) Thus it is that dignity finds its (firm) root in its (previous)
meanness, and what is lofty finds its stability in the lowness (from
which it rises). Hence princes and kings call themselves 'Orphans,'
'Men of small virtue,' and as 'Carriages without a nave.' Is not this
an acknowledgment that in their considering themselves mean they see
the foundation of their dignity? So it is that in the enumeration
of the different parts of a carriage we do not come on what makes
it answer the ends of a carriage. They do not wish to show themselves
elegant-looking as jade, but (prefer) to be coarse-looking as an (ordinary)