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Wed, Jul 24, 2024 09:16:13 AM

🌊 free to trust myself 🌊
posted: Wed, Jul 24, 2024 09:16:13 AM


after decades of being in my self-made prison of living as whoever or whatever i thought those around me, has the desire to see, my source material feels very important to me, at least in the here and now. i wholeheartedly agree the masks have got to go! as i sat this morning, i had a minute or so of listing all the ways i have disingenuous or less than whole in the recent past. i know that task is better suited to my Tenth step, in the evening, but it came up during my Eleventh Step this morning, so it must have been important enough to look at.
as i do a bit deeper dive in the here and now, i can see that i have been less than honest with my spouse about how i feel about her care of me. post-op. i do not like being patronized and i certainly do not like being treated like some sort of childlike invalid. i know that is not her intention and have been holding back saying something, because i believe all that she does is out of love and concern for me. i have tried to play the stoic strong man for all my family,peers and friends, when in fact i am scared shitless. in my own head i attempt to minimize spinning down the drain of “what-ifs” even though i go there more often than i have the desire to admit. when i stop and consider that i am in a tough place in my life, i guess attempting to keep up appearances is really the least of my concerns. at least it is not like thirteen years ago when i did not know how i was going to make my mortgage payment, but decided to go on vacation to Cancun anyhow. back then, it was important to me that i keep my dire straits on the maximum down-low and it nearly ruined everything.
where am i sitting emotionally, spiritually, financially and physically today? emotionally, i am fearful and a bit resentful to my past self, the sun-worshiper, who hated “hat hair” spiritually, grounded in my program of active recovery. financially, i could be better off, but the bills will get paid and my debt will decrease. physically, the right leg still is not hike ready, the dressing on my head is starting to itch and irk me, and everything else is healing up. in my life today, i guess i can be stoic and still admit to having more than a little bit of Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt about my prognosis. just for today, however, i will do my best to be my “true” self and not the sort of person i think others want or need to see.

∞ DT ∞


djtConsulting Brand
The views expressed on this page are solely the opinion of the author.
While the author is a member of a 12 Step recovery fellowship, these writings are not intended to endorse or express the published wisdom of any fellowship.
These writings are not meant to be socially or politically correct, and if you take issue with any opinions expressed, please seek the guidance of someone wiser than me.

Another Look!

masks and self-esteem 284 words ➥ Saturday, July 24, 2004 by: donnot
α hiding behind the masks ω 220 words ➥ Sunday, July 24, 2005 by: donnot
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∞ i use false fronts i to disguise my lack of self-esteem. ∞ 363 words ➥ Thursday, July 24, 2008 by: donnot
δ despite my fear of becoming vulnerable, i need to be willing to let go of my disguises δ 669 words ➥ Friday, July 24, 2009 by: donnot
√ i covered low self-esteem by hiding behind phony images that i hoped would fool people  460 words ➥ Saturday, July 24, 2010 by: donnot
ƒ one of the miracles of recovery is the recognition of myself ƒ 331 words ➥ Sunday, July 24, 2011 by: donnot
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¿ sometimes i believe that these false personalities, ¿ 728 words ➥ Wednesday, July 24, 2013 by: donnot
♦ the more i hide my real self, ♦ 495 words ➥ Thursday, July 24, 2014 by: donnot
ƒ fears of ƒ 793 words ➥ Friday, July 24, 2015 by: donnot
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🚮 the masks 🚮 575 words ➥ Monday, July 24, 2017 by: donnot
🌟 hoping to fool 🌠 412 words ➥ Tuesday, July 24, 2018 by: donnot
🤒 over-sensitivity, 🤯 545 words ➥ Wednesday, July 24, 2019 by: donnot
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☯ The Tao that can be spoken is not the eternal Tao ☯

by Lao-Tse
Translated by James Legge

Book 2

3) He who acts (with an ulterior purpose) does harm; he who takes
hold of a thing (in the same way) loses his hold. The sage does not
act (so), and therefore does no harm; he does not lay hold (so), and
therefore does not lose his bold. (But) people in their conduct of
affairs are constantly ruining them when they are on the eve of success.
If they were careful at the end, as (they should be) at the beginning,
they would not so ruin them.