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Wed, Nov 5, 2008 10:40:53 AM
↔ i have found the POWER i was lacking in my addiction, a POWER that is available to me at all times. ↔
posted: Wed, Nov 5, 2008 10:40:53 AM
the real question is, where am i at today, right here and right now. well, i could take last night’s election results as a sign that what i know and what i feel are spot on. i am not the type that looks for signs to establish proof that i am on the right path, but sometimes, it is nice to get some validation that my efforts to establish and maintain a spiritual life is paying off. although i like to think that having the ability to choose to stay clean and see and do the next right thing is reward enough in and of itself, i know that as a human being, even i need to know that i am doing well, by seeing something more.
what i feel these days, is that the ends are no longer justify the means, and as i hold myself accountable to that train of thought, i am finding out that there are others who also need to be held accountable, if they are unwilling then perhaps it is time for them to step away. misrepresenting to one or one thousand people is still wrong, scale does not matter, at least in my view of the spiritual path that i have been set upon. honesty and integrity trumps ego and self-will all the time in my world view, and if there are obstacles popping up in pursuit of one of my goals, perhaps that is self-will and not GOD’s will after all. any or all of that is stuff that i need to pay attention to, so that i can be as one with the POWER that is the source of my recovery. mystic and cryptic as all of this may sound, it all boils down to one simple fact, am i doing what i need to do to stay connected, and is that connection becoming stronger or weaker? the answer to that question will be revealed in what happens across the course of my day, all i have to do is be present for it and move on. life is good today and i think i will do what i can to fi=oster my spiritual growth.
∞ DT ∞
While the author is a member of a 12 Step recovery fellowship, these writings are not intended to endorse or express the published wisdom of any fellowship.
These writings are not meant to be socially or politically correct, and if you take issue with any opinions expressed, please seek the guidance of someone wiser than me.
Another Look!
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☯ The Tao that can be spoken is not the eternal Tao ☯
by Lao-Tse
Translated by James Legge
Book 1
2) The multitude of men look satisfied and pleased; as if enjoying
a full banquet, as if mounted on a tower in spring. I alone seem listless
and still, my desires having as yet given no indication of their presence.
I am like an infant which has not yet smiled. I look dejected and
forlorn, as if I had no home to go to. The multitude of men all have
enough and to spare. I alone seem to have lost everything. My mind
is that of a stupid man; I am in a state of chaos. Ordinary men look
bright and intelligent, while I alone seem to be benighted. They look
full of discrimination, while I alone am dull and confused. I seem
to be carried about as on the sea, drifting as if I had nowhere to
rest. All men have their spheres of action, while I alone seem dull
and incapable, like a rude borderer. (Thus) I alone am different from
other men, but I value the nursing-mother (the Tao).