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Sat, Aug 8, 2009 07:57:02 AM

≈ RECOVERY is not going to be handed to me on a silver platter ≈
posted: Sat, Aug 8, 2009 07:57:02 AM


nor can i expect my friends or sponsor to be responsible for the work i must do myself. while listening to the void this morning, and i really did get there for a brief moment, i realized that this would be another perfect opportunity to rail against those who i have made my object lessons, after all…
…but not today!
lately, i have less and less solace in participating in that behavior and have started this dive inward to see what i can do about myself. those others, while they have been instructive in the past, to see what and where i wanted my recovery to be, are now becoming quite irrelevant, and their irrelevancy grows day by day. not that i am finishing the process of turning them into objects, although i could certainly see that, what i believe that i have finally done is to stop giving them any power, and letting go of all the power i have given them in the past. most importantly, letting go of my anger at myself for giving away so much of the little personal power i have and the POWER that has been given to me. how on this green earth, does that even remotely apply to the topic at hand?
well, i could start with a bit of rhetorical flourish, and a logical argument to manipulate you into seeing where i am going, this morning, HOWEVER, i do believe i will dive straight into the heart of the matter and see if i can drag you there with me. the fact that i have turned more than one member into an object, even for a minute, to take back my power, is an abdication of my responsibility to maintain and nourish my recovery. i have quite conveniently shifted the balm for my less than stellar behavior on to their broad shoulders and hence can walk away feeling smug, self-satisfies and confident that i am on the right side of the spiritual street. with one quick stroke of genius, my anger is no longer misplaced, i can now be angry at them rather than myself, and move forward in confidence. that action however, does very little to relieve the inner turmoil i feel as i look to my own life, and see examples of the same behavior being manifest moment by moment by myself. so looking to my examples again, i can say well so and so has so many more years of recovery than i do, and yet they still do…
and voilà, soup is made!
if i want to resolve the set of resentments i have about me and my behaviors, and trust me i do, and if i want to live a path that will take me to the sort of man that i have always wanted to be, than the time has come to grow up and take responsibility for who i am and what i do toady and step up the amends process to myself. the first step -- forgive myself for giving my power away -- i did what i did, because that is what i thought i needed to do.most importantly, when i feel myself slipping into the need to give away my personal power, STOP and consider whether or not this something i am ready accept the consequences of my actions. i already know the answer to that: a BIG FAT RESOUNDING NO!
i am tired of living in the world of what-ifs and who-dids and ready to take some steps into the world of i am. so my task today is to take responsibility for becoming who i am, and leave the rest of who they are behind. after all, i do not have that much extra power to throw around and to squander that gift is hardly a spiritual path to trod upon this morning.
speaking of trod, the time has come to hit the streets, while it is still cool and i am still energetic and charged up, after all, i also have the power to keep myself healthy and fit.

∞ DT ∞


djtConsulting Brand
The views expressed on this page are solely the opinion of the author.
While the author is a member of a 12 Step recovery fellowship, these writings are not intended to endorse or express the published wisdom of any fellowship.
These writings are not meant to be socially or politically correct, and if you take issue with any opinions expressed, please seek the guidance of someone wiser than me.

Another Look!

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☯ The Tao that can be spoken is not the eternal Tao ☯

by Lao-Tse
Translated by James Legge

Book 2

1) Who thinks his great achievements poor
Shall find his vigour long endure.
Of greatest fulness, deemed a void,
Exhaustion ne'er shall stem the tide.
Do thou what's straight still crooked deem;
Thy greatest art still stupid seem,
And eloquence a stammering scream.