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Tue, Oct 6, 2009 09:23:28 AM
⊗ i can plan the amends, but i cannot plan the results ⊗
posted: Tue, Oct 6, 2009 09:23:28 AM
in this process, i will find that i no longer have to carry the burdens of the past. planning the plan, letting go of outcomes, quite a task form many an addict, especially me, a total control freak. well not so total anymore, but it is still part of my makeup to want to control the outcome of any plan i make, including but not limited the amends process. the reading this morning speaks specifically to the amends process, and once again, here i sit thinking about the process of forgiving myself, rather than the whole process in and of itself.
so going down that path, one of the toughest things i have trouble letting go of, is the outcome of self-forgiveness. i know that allowing myself to project the outcome of any amends is not a healthy manner in which to approach this process. i also realize that hoping to be forgiven y others for my past transgressions, sets me up for disappointment. i also realize that forgiving myself is a process and not an event. well now that i consider that last statement, perhaps it would be better to look at it as a process comprised of many events. each time i take responsibility for something i have done, and each time i look to repair that damage, i get the chance to once again forgive myself for my part in that. the event, as you will that creates the chain of events in the process of self-forgiveness. the question now becomes not when but how. how do i let go of the behavior that causes the damage in the first place? most of the damage i cause is to myself these days. in the ongoing miracle of recovery, i have transformed into a person who actually cares about the effects my behavior has on others. while i have not been anywhere close to saintlike in this respect, i have moved light-years from where i was when i first entered recovery. the previous amends i have made, continue to teach about what i need to do in the here and now. the amazing part of this process is that as i get healthier, i feel the need to get what i want diminish, and the desire to be the man i am becoming, grow. part of that desire is to stop the the sadomasochistic behaviors that drive my need to change the way i am feeling. the steps, especially becoming willing, allows me to find a healthy manner to stop the bloody beatings i am so apt to inflict upon myself.
so it goes…
so i guess i want to close with the thought that if i can let go of the outcomes of my amends and allow the process of forgiving myself to continue, i can get better an lessen the need to make amends in the long run. certainly a goal to shoot for today.
so going down that path, one of the toughest things i have trouble letting go of, is the outcome of self-forgiveness. i know that allowing myself to project the outcome of any amends is not a healthy manner in which to approach this process. i also realize that hoping to be forgiven y others for my past transgressions, sets me up for disappointment. i also realize that forgiving myself is a process and not an event. well now that i consider that last statement, perhaps it would be better to look at it as a process comprised of many events. each time i take responsibility for something i have done, and each time i look to repair that damage, i get the chance to once again forgive myself for my part in that. the event, as you will that creates the chain of events in the process of self-forgiveness. the question now becomes not when but how. how do i let go of the behavior that causes the damage in the first place? most of the damage i cause is to myself these days. in the ongoing miracle of recovery, i have transformed into a person who actually cares about the effects my behavior has on others. while i have not been anywhere close to saintlike in this respect, i have moved light-years from where i was when i first entered recovery. the previous amends i have made, continue to teach about what i need to do in the here and now. the amazing part of this process is that as i get healthier, i feel the need to get what i want diminish, and the desire to be the man i am becoming, grow. part of that desire is to stop the the sadomasochistic behaviors that drive my need to change the way i am feeling. the steps, especially becoming willing, allows me to find a healthy manner to stop the bloody beatings i am so apt to inflict upon myself.
so it goes…
so i guess i want to close with the thought that if i can let go of the outcomes of my amends and allow the process of forgiving myself to continue, i can get better an lessen the need to make amends in the long run. certainly a goal to shoot for today.
∞ DT ∞

The views expressed on this page are solely the opinion of the author.
While the author is a member of a 12 Step recovery fellowship, these writings are not intended to endorse or express the published wisdom of any fellowship.
These writings are not meant to be socially or politically correct, and if you take issue with any opinions expressed, please seek the guidance of someone wiser than me.
While the author is a member of a 12 Step recovery fellowship, these writings are not intended to endorse or express the published wisdom of any fellowship.
These writings are not meant to be socially or politically correct, and if you take issue with any opinions expressed, please seek the guidance of someone wiser than me.
Another Look!
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☯ The Tao that can be spoken is not the eternal Tao ☯
by Lao-Tse
Translated by James Legge
Book 2
1) A state may be ruled by (measures of) correction; weapons of war
may be used with crafty dexterity; (but) the kingdom is made one's
own (only) by freedom from action and purpose.