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Fri, Nov 22, 2013 07:52:09 AM

ƒ but first i must ask myself if my foundation is secure, ƒ
posted: Fri, Nov 22, 2013 07:52:09 AM


for without my foundation, nothing i build can stand for long.
or better put, everything i put in front of my recovery, i risk losing.
so now that the bumper stickers are out of the way, what doers that mean to me. way back when, all i had was meetings and a life of recovery. as reluctant as i was to embark upon this path, i saw from my own recent experience, that if i hung with my old friends i would be using with them before very long. so i shoehorned my life to fit my recovery schedule, and did my stumbling best to build a social life in two different fellowships, and surprise surprise, i barely succeeded in both of them. so all i had was the 3 M's, two of which are meetings and meditation, i will leave the third for your imaginations to work overtime on. so back in the day, building a foundation was easy, as it was all i could do. i guess when you look at it, i had the easier softer way, as i had severe external consequences and a system built that was geared to enforce my compliance, if i did not do this deal. i never did rat anyone else, but i certainly was afraid that someone would out me to probation, if i let on to what was really going on in my head. so in misery and silence i sat here for 13 months and built my foundation.
toady, as heinous as the days that comprised my early recovery were, i am grateful for them. those bad times, and yes that is a value judgement, paved the way for the ease in which my life fits intro recovery today. and my life fits very well into my program of recovery and as i was sharing with one of my peers the other night, there is no “secret sauce” or mystery to why i have s few days in a row clean. it just happens, when i do the same stuff i learned how to do, way back in the dark ages of my recovery.
i know today, that all i have to do, is keep doing that stuff and tomorrow i will get the chance to do it again. i know that the life i have,m as surprising and as incredible as it is, is the result of doing the deed, even when it was foreign and painful to me. i can stop anytime i choose to, but today i choose NOT to walk down the street from where i work, see a doctor for my chronic pain, pay my $90.00 and get some chronic for my head. today i choose NOT to stop a the local retail liquor store for a bottle wine to have with dinner. today i CHOOSE, to do whatever it takes to be a member of the “no matter what club,” even if it means spouting off a few clichés and farting a daisy or two.
yes and today, i CHOOSE to slide on over to my job, and give them as much as i can for the time i am there and leave it behind when i head home tonight. today, i am in a structure that rests in my recovery and i feel confident that no matter what storms rage around me, i have the ability to rely on my recovery to endure. it is after all a good day to face life on its own terms, clean and with my head held high.

∞ DT ∞


djtConsulting Brand
The views expressed on this page are solely the opinion of the author.
While the author is a member of a 12 Step recovery fellowship, these writings are not intended to endorse or express the published wisdom of any fellowship.
These writings are not meant to be socially or politically correct, and if you take issue with any opinions expressed, please seek the guidance of someone wiser than me.

Another Look!

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☯ The Tao that can be spoken is not the eternal Tao ☯

by Lao-Tse
Translated by James Legge

Book 1

1) If any one should wish to get the kingdom for himself, and to effect
this by what he does, I see that he will not succeed. The kingdom
is a spirit-like thing, and cannot be got by active doing. He who
would so win it destroys it; he who would hold it in his grasp loses