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Tue, Dec 20, 2011 07:51:59 AM
µ i will share the world with others, µ
posted: Tue, Dec 20, 2011 07:51:59 AM
knowing they are just as important as i am. well sometimes i get this quite backwards, thinking that others are more important than i am. the reading speaks about the core of addiction, self-obsession, and in this holiday season, i can certainly see evidence of how true that actually may still be. just be clear here, this not going to be a self-bashing tirade of how badly obsessed with self i am, although this daily exercise could be viewed as a self-obsessed act, if i choose to go that direction. this is not going to be how self-absorbed others are, either, although there are plenty of examples in my life of members with years and years and years clean, who are a great example of what happens as one drops living the steps from me's life. what i am talking about this morning is how, as i grow up in the fellowship i am learning what it means to be a part of the world and not feeling entitled to anything. well that sis a conditional statement, i am entitled to the opportunity to live a life free from active addiction, BUT that is a choice i need to make on a daily basis, and one with a set of consequences of its own. it amazes me, this morning, how entitled i once believed i was. it amazes me how pissed off i used to get when i did not get what i was entitles to. the worse part, looking at it from this vantage point is how much i denied that was anything but the absolute TRUTH!
growing up to see that although i may be the center of the universe, the universe does not revolve around me, and does not exist solely to meet my needs. i share the universe with all the other centers of the universe and for the most part it is an intersection of perspectives and not a union, thinking back to all those silly VENN diagrams i once knew very well. with me competing for my share of this finite, yet unlimited pie, rather than cooperating, i continue to live in the self-obsession that characterized my active addiction. i get easily contused by the vastness of it all, and when i do, i start to grab was much as i possibly can grab, as fast as i possibly can. as a result i end up with a hole lot of nothing save the frustration of not getting enough!
the reading reminds me, that today i have a choice and although it felt like i was not going to fulfill my plan and arrive on time anywhere, the universe had a very pleasant surprise for me, everything has worked out better than i could have hop0ed for, up until this point. so i guess, since i am getting what i think i want, it is easy to let go of self-obsession and move on. the real trick will come when i step off the bus and hit the office, and i can allow myself to feel the freedom i have this morning. so time to move on to read what is happening in the outside world, as that too is part of the universe i have been given.
growing up to see that although i may be the center of the universe, the universe does not revolve around me, and does not exist solely to meet my needs. i share the universe with all the other centers of the universe and for the most part it is an intersection of perspectives and not a union, thinking back to all those silly VENN diagrams i once knew very well. with me competing for my share of this finite, yet unlimited pie, rather than cooperating, i continue to live in the self-obsession that characterized my active addiction. i get easily contused by the vastness of it all, and when i do, i start to grab was much as i possibly can grab, as fast as i possibly can. as a result i end up with a hole lot of nothing save the frustration of not getting enough!
the reading reminds me, that today i have a choice and although it felt like i was not going to fulfill my plan and arrive on time anywhere, the universe had a very pleasant surprise for me, everything has worked out better than i could have hop0ed for, up until this point. so i guess, since i am getting what i think i want, it is easy to let go of self-obsession and move on. the real trick will come when i step off the bus and hit the office, and i can allow myself to feel the freedom i have this morning. so time to move on to read what is happening in the outside world, as that too is part of the universe i have been given.
∞ DT ∞
The views expressed on this page are solely the opinion of the author.
While the author is a member of a 12 Step recovery fellowship, these writings are not intended to endorse or express the published wisdom of any fellowship.
These writings are not meant to be socially or politically correct, and if you take issue with any opinions expressed, please seek the guidance of someone wiser than me.
While the author is a member of a 12 Step recovery fellowship, these writings are not intended to endorse or express the published wisdom of any fellowship.
These writings are not meant to be socially or politically correct, and if you take issue with any opinions expressed, please seek the guidance of someone wiser than me.
Another Look!
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∅ i have practiced a lifetime of self-seeking, self-centered behavior ∅ 544 words ➥ Sunday, December 20, 2009 by: donnot
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☯ The Tao that can be spoken is not the eternal Tao ☯
by Lao-Tse
Translated by James Legge
Book 1
1) The skilful traveller leaves no traces of his wheels or footsteps;
the skilful speaker says nothing that can be found fault with or blamed;
the skilful reckoner uses no tallies; the skilful closer needs no
bolts or bars, while to open what he has shut will be impossible;
the skilful binder uses no strings or knots, while to unloose what
he has bound will be impossible. In the same way the sage is always
skilful at saving men, and so he does not cast away any man; he is
always skilful at saving things, and so he does not cast away anything.
This is called 'Hiding the light of his procedure.'